Farm Innovation

Farm Innovation

Herblabism’s background is not in food, but farming. Our Founder Dr Vincent Walsh has worked in Africa, Europe and the United Kingdom, supporting agroforestry and forest garden systems. Agroforestry and forest garden systems are some of the world's most complex food ecosystems. These also represent the most sustainable ways to grow food globally. These methods tend to focus on growing perennials rather than annuals, as perennials are much more sustainable crops. These food plants usually last more than two years, and are more nutritious than annual crops.

Involvement in the process, from start to finish

Experience in this field showed Dr Walsh that if Herblabism wants to drive food innovation and become a market leader in the UK, it's essential to develop a fully vertically-integrated food brand, meaning that we play a central part in the growing and processing of our food products as well as their conception and sale.

Innovative farming techniques

For this reason, we have taken over farmland with our friends and partners, with the goal of working towards integrated, regenerative food supply solutions. With the farmland, our plan is not to design or implement food systems. Instead, we want to design and implement ecosystems that produce food, raising the landscape's biodiversity levels, and, importantly, locking as much carbon into the soil as possible.

Herblabism will not be buying carbon credits to position our company as net zero. Instead, to reach this goal we are focussed on developing old carbon-neutral landscapes whilst supporting farming, food, and agricultural innovation, now and into the future. 

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Farming the future – an interview with Dr Vincent Walsh

An interview with Dr Vincent Walsh Academic in Farming, Agriculture and Complex Food…

Herblabism Founder Dr Vincent Walsh to speak at Lime Venue Portfolio Future Food Event.

Lime Venue Portfolio is the UK’s largest collection of diverse venues, connected…